As soon as you start to think about your business, an accountant can help you take the next steps. We can discuss your business's organization, tax purposes and operations, along with target pricing and profit margins.
Get some impartial advice from an accountant before you consult the bank. A bank will want to see a strong business plan and organized records. Let us help you get ready for your business's next step!
Does your accountant return your calls? Do you feel comfortable asking them a question? Do you feel heard? With the right accountant, the answers should be a resounding "Yes!"
Entity formation can be a huge concept for any small business. There are numerous decisions to be made and details to be examined. One of those is the decision to either incorporate your business or form a limited liability company (LLC). So pointing your business in the right direction is one of the first steps.
But there’s a huge problem: there’s a blizzard of information, from the media, entertainment sources, and advertisements, out there. They’ll praise the virtues of formal incorporation or other similar entity formation ideas that limits the personal liability of an owner and provides tax advantages. But since every business is different, how do you know if it’s the right choice for you? That’s where we come in.
At Midwest Business & Accounting Services, we help our clients sift through all of the complicated forms of partnerships, incorporation and LLC’s. We’ll go over the pros and cons of each, and determine which option is best for you. For many start-ups and existing companies, the sole proprietorship or general partnership might be the superior business entity. Whatever the case is for you, we’ll provide you with enough information to allow you to make an informed decision for your business’ entity formation.
April 15 has come and gone and another year of tax forms and shoeboxes full of receipts is behind us. But what should be done with those documents after your check or refund request is in the mail?
Federal law requires you to maintain copies of your tax returns and supporting documents for three years. This is called the “three-year law” and leads many people to believe they’re safe provided they retain their documents for this period of time.
However, if the IRS believes you have significantly underreported your income (by 25 percent or more), it may go back six years in an audit. If there is any indication of fraud, or you do not file a return, no period of limitation exists. To be safe, use the following guidelines.
While federal guidelines do not require you to keep tax records “forever,” in many cases there will be other reasons you’ll want to retain these documents indefinitely.
While it’s important to keep year-end mutual fund and IRA contribution statements forever, you don’t have to save monthly and quarterly statements once the year-end statement has arrived.
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